September 30, 2014
People enjoy your company. That's because you allow them to speak freely without fear of censure. You're always eager for a vigorous debate, but you never ridicule people for their ideas. This talent for conversation makes you a popular guest at parties. If you're looking for love, you could find it at a casual get together. Don't make the mistake of playing hard to get. If you want to win someone's heart, you'll have to be honest about your intentions.
Weekly Horoscopes
Organising your household should be your first priority. It annoys you to keep losing things so have a place for everything and keep everything in its place. Arrange storage items neatly into attractive bins, boxes and folders. Being able to locate things at a moment's notice will save time and aggravation. The opportunity to travel for pleasure will fall into your lap. Look for good deals on rooms and tickets. The more you save, the more you will have for excursions and entertainment.
You thought you could trust someone. What you're hearing about them is telling you something very different. Gossip makes you question a friend or partner's loyalty. What you need to ask yourself is: are you being fair by putting more trust in rumours than you do in them? Health problems could be linked to stress, tension and overwork. Book a holiday somewhere tranquil and don't come home until you're completely chilled out and relaxed.
September 2014 Horoscope
Taking an advanced class will provide the intellectual stimulation you crave in the opening days of September. Your sex appeal will be red hot during the first week of the month; use it to get your lover to fulfil a fantasy. This is also a good time to indulge your sensual side; get a spa treatment or buy yourself some enticing new fragrances. You'll get paid a handsome sum when the Full Moon rises on the 9th. Use this money to further your career in some way. Buy a smart business suit or new laptop. Your best friend or lover will encourage you to write an article, story, or book mid-month. Entering a competition will be a good use of your time during the second half of September. Dealing with a powerful bureaucracy will become easier after the 23rd. The New Moon on the 24th is perfect for applying to a school or cultural institution.