March 28, 2015
It's tempting to slack off at work, but this will have unfortunate consequences. Summon your resolve and ramp up your productivity. The last thing you want is to lose a job. If you're unhappy with your current position, look for another. Don't burn your bridges. Getting a good reference will pave the way for further professional success. Are you unemployed? You may have to take a job that is beneath your skill set. Don't worry; the situation is temporary.
Weekly Horoscopes
Working too hard will result in burnout. Scale back your schedule, even if it means earning less money. Aim to connect with your friends on a regular basis and do those things that give you most pleasure. They remind you of what is truly important. If you feel dismayed about the state of the world, launch a fundraiser. Collecting money for a good cause will be empowering. It will also put you in contact with like minded enthusiasts who could point you in a direction you've not considered before.
You keep finding yourself in relationships where you give love and receive nothing back. This is because you feel you aren't worthy of being loved. Looking deep inside and some self-analysis is the only way to break this cycle. Learn to love yourself and you will drive anxiety from your door. Start making more time for creative and sporting activities and don't feel guilty about having fun. Others will start to enjoy your company and as you feel happier your relationships too will be more harmonious.
March 2015 Horoscope
A lucrative job will fall in your lap in the opening days of March. The Full Moon on the 5th forces you to make some sacrifices for a neglected lover. If you're single, it may be because you are unrealistic about how much time an intimate relationship requires. Money will come in quite quickly during the first half of March. Resist the urge to go on a wild shopping spree. You're better off putting your earnings where they will work for you. You'll be given a greater measure of freedom at work in mid-March, when a boss is too busy to monitor your progress. A Solar Eclipse on the 20th is ideal for transforming your appearance. Now is the time to get a salon treatment, cosmetic procedure, or dental work. Keep your mobile charged as March turns to April, because you'll be fielding a lot of calls. That's the price you have to pay for being popular.