May 31, 2014
Pottering around the house gives you a great deal of pleasure. You love having a comfortable haven from private life. Decorate your living space with fragrant flowers, vibrant colours and soft textures. Let this space fuel your creativity and inspire your imagination. It's especially important for you to have a cosy bedroom. Some of your best ideas arrive when you're drifting off to sleep. Keep a notebook by your pillow and use it to record any vivid dreams. One could be the seed for a fabulous project.
Weekly Horoscopes
Pottering around the house gives you a great deal of pleasure. You love having a comfortable haven from private life. Decorate your living space with fragrant flowers, vibrant colours and soft textures. Let this space fuel your creativity and inspire your imagination. It's especially important for you to have a cosy bedroom. Some of your best ideas arrive when you're drifting off to sleep. Keep a notebook by your pillow and use it to record any vivid dreams. One could be the seed for a fabulous project.
New romantic doors are about to open. Invitations, offers and new opportunities sound exciting. If you're single, don't jump too quickly onto the romantic bandwagon. Give yourself a chance to think about it because another more tempting offer could come your way. At times you might wonder whether it is love or lust that's in the air. Someone makes such an impact on you that you're convinced it's love at first sight. Time will tell whether you are wrong or right.
May 2014 Horoscope
You'll be able to afford a few more luxuries in the early days of May. Go ahead and splurge on stylish clothes and a fashionable new haircut. When it comes to finding professional opportunities, who you know will be more important than what you know. Tell friends you are looking for a job and describe your dream position. You could hear of a great opportunity through one of your social contacts. You could be awarded an advanced degree or legal award around the 14th, courtesy of the Full Moon. The second half of May is ideal for romantic and artistic pursuits. This would be a great time to take a vacation, preferably to a seaside resort. Your best friend or partner could get a raise or high paying job as May turns to June. Don't be surprised if you receive a beautiful gift as thanks for your love and encouragement.